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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Roadmap for Determining the Future Development of the Transport Networks of the Visegrad Group Countries

The Heads of Governments of the Visegrad Countries—the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic,

  • recognizing that an efficient transport system is a fundamental requirement of a competitive and expanding economy,
  • in order to achieve a long-term well-functioning efficient transport network,
  • acknowledging that although substantial improvements in the quality of the network can be accomplished within the financial programme 2014–20, by the end of this programme significant missing links in coherent transport network between Visegrad Countries may still exist,
  • stressing that the Visegrad Group can achieve a much better position in the negotiations on the European Union budget and the rules of using the European financial sources for transport development beyond 2020, than each of the Visegrad Countries could reach individually,
  • emphasizing that the comprehensive and systematic development of transport connections, in particular along the North-South axis results in a higher efficiency than development of separate transport elements,
  • based on the Conclusions of the meeting of State Secretaries/Deputy Ministers responsible for Transport of the Visegrad Group countries signed in Budapest on 27 November 2013, and the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the establishment of the High Level Working Group on transport connections between the Visegrad Group countries, signed in Brussels, on 14 March 2014,

agree that further steps have to be taken to coordinate the future development of the transport networks, including the North–South connections of the Visegrad Region, and a solid common approach needs to be worked out before the negotiations on the financial period beyond 2020 begin. In the framework of this common approach, the Visegrad countries shall establish a joint list of transport infrastructure projects of high importance to all four Visgerad Group Member States, with the intention to present it together during the negotiations on the next EU financial perspective beyond 2020 as well as during the revision of the TEN-T network. In order to attain these goals, the Ministries responsible for transport and the High Level Working Group on transport connections shall elaborate a short-, medium- and long-term programme, with attention to the following schedule:

An inventory of rail, road, port and inland waterway projects on the TEN-T networks of V4 countries

- accomplished until 2007,
- accomplished between 2007 and 2013,
- and planned developments for the period 2014–2020
September 30, 2014
A list of indicative development plans of V4 countries for the period after 2020
June 30, 2016
Updated maps on the projects after 2020
September 30, 2016
A common position about a list of priority projects that V4 countries will represent together during the negotiations on hte financial rules of the 2021–2027 period, and hte review of TEN-T network
December 31, 2016
Joint letter to the Commission about the projects to be accomplished after 2020
March 31, 2017

Adopted by the V4 Prime Ministers in Budapest on June 24, 2014

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