The meeting of the Ministers of Health of V4 + Ministers of Health of Austria, Slovenia and Ukraine has not been yet organised.
- During the presidency of the Slovak Republic, the testing pilot project of co-operation of the EU-EURES system within V4 sector of employment was realised. The main purpose of the project is the EURES system implementation in the border - crossing districts of the Slovak -, and Czech Republic, and the Republic of Poland.
- The programme management unit at the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic prepared the programme documentation EGUAL, of which the first version will be introduced in the end of June 2003.
- Slovak presidency monitored the enduring interest of relevant authorities of the V-4 countries in establishing of working groups in order to open consultations on the unification of the methodology of the EU and V4 countries´ in the social protection statistics (ESSPROS).
The Visegrad Group, with the trademark of the "V4" symbol, is a well-known structure in the enlarging Europe, as well as in the entire international community. During the last year accomplishment of the fundamental objectives of the Visegrad co-operation was met.
Therefore, new principles and mechanisms of co-operation were due to imply into the Visegrad four countries collaboration in the close future.
Nowadays Visegrad four is facing new challenges and opportunities in joined Europe. Visegrad countries welcomed the results of referenda concerning the will of citizens of mentioned countries to join the European Union. We hope that the historical national assets of the V4 countries and previous experience of mutual co-operation will be a significant contribution to our future in the common European home.
Moreover, all Visegrad countries welcome the beginning of a discussion on the options for Visegrad co-operation in the enlarged Europe.
In general, the majority of the planned co-operation activities were completed under the last presidency period of the Slovak Republic. It is fruitful to mention herein important of them, especially in the priorities "Integration" and "Security". In the priority "Integration", Visegrad Four achieved:
- common agreement on time co-ordination of the referenda on the EU accession,
- creation of Visegrad Scholarship Programme,
- common will to discuss about the future of V4 in enlarged European Union.
In the priority "Security", Visegrad Four achieved:
- support for the NATO membership of Slovak Republic before the NATO summit in Prague,
-development of defence industrial co-operation and in the field of internal security, the continual discussion of relevant authorities on the issues concerning implementation of regulation of European Union in the Home and Justice Affairs. Therefore, the member countries declared their full contentment with the chairmanship of the Slovak Republic and its work during the last period.
Finally, at the summit of the Heads of Governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic, to be organised in Tale, Low Tatras on June 24th. - 25th. 2003, the Czech Republic takes over the presidency of the Visegrad Group for the year 2003/2004.
Slovak Republic - Tále, 24-25 June 2003